R.E. Year 9 2011 Reflection.

This will be my final post on word-press for this year. I have enjoyed the RE learning experience during this year. The technology aspect of the course was most enjoyable and I have learnt how to use many i.t. skills. The course has also provided me with a lot of spiritual knowledge.

The Australian Catholic Church

The Australian Catholic church has lagged behind a little as the world kept moving forward. It has mainly lagged behind because it hasn’t embraced the change of culture. The church has tried to involve young people through such events as world youth day as well as setting up a different websites which are related to the catholic church. The church needs to move forward by accepting women as priests, letting priests marry and make sure that they have more benefits.

Being A Catholic Today

Being raised in a Catholic family and being born in a largely Catholic based country, it is an obvious that I am also Catholic. When I was younger I attended mass everyday Sunday with my grandma. However now as my life has become busier I do not have the chance to go on sundays, unless there is a special day such as Christmas or Easter.

In primary I was an alter boy and ever since I have entered high school I have been setting up mass every Wednesday. It keeps my faith alive without taking me out of me time. I do have trouble relating to it sometimes because there is a lot of pressure of young catholics to go to church or stay faithful. Some people just don’t care because they are too busy.

I go to a catholic school because I always have. My brother also has. It is also known that catholic schools have very good results in the HSC and other exams. My parents sent me to a catholic school because not only did they want me to get good marks but also to keep a connection with my fate and with God.